Make your CMS faster

Platform Optimised Hosting

A quick guide on minifying Javascript and CSS

A great way to help speed up your website is minifying Javascript and CSS. If you’re using a 3rd party theme or have coded your website from scratch, we’ll show you how to minify your scripts using plugins or online […]

9 Reason why you should host your WordPress Website with Clook

Experience in hosting a complete range of WordPress websites. In our 20 years of business, we have hosted thousands of WordPress websites. They range from small hobbyist blogs to large E-Commerce brands. In this article we talk you through the […]

Your quick guide on what’s new in WordPress 6

WordPress 6 is here. Welcome to our complete guide on what you can expect from the new release. It’s named “Arturo” after the Grammy award-winning jazz musician Arturo O’Farrill. There are nearly 1,000 enhancements and bug fixes. This major release […]

WordPress Toolkit – Backup and Restore WordPress

What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is everything you need all under one roof. Creating a backup. Step 1: On the WordPress Toolkit […]

WordPress Toolkit – How to Update Plugins

What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is everything you need all under one roof. Updating your WordPress plugins with ease Steps: Expand the […]

How do I use WordPress Toolkit with WordPress

What is WordPress Toolkit? Packed full of features and an easy to use control panel, manage your WordPress websites with ease. WordPress Toolkit is everything you need all under one roof. Combining WordPress Toolkit & WordPress WordPress is one of […]
